Since its inception in 2014, the ALADS C.A.R.E.S. Foundation has donated nearly $1.8 million to members and their families in need.

In 2020, we created the ability for all Los Angeles County employees to donate to the ALADS C.A.R.E.S. Foundation via payroll deduction. We ask that ALADS members donate $2.50 per paycheck. That would be just $5 a month to support your fellow deputy sheriffs and district attorney investigators in their time of need. If you are not a deputy sheriff or district attorney investigator but are a Los Angeles County employee, we would appreciate your support too. You can also make donations via payroll deduction. Donations to ALADS C.A.R.E.S are tax-deductible, so let your tax professional know that you donated. Of course, ALADS will always accept one-time donations on our website through PayPal or a written check mailed to the ALADS facility.

The ALADS C.A.R.E.S. Foundation is about taking care of emergent situations. If the request meets our criteria, our foundation will consider support based on need and the availability of funds. If we make the days following a tragedy a little easier for peace officers’ families, then we have achieved our goal.

The COVID-19 pandemic has prevented ALADS from holding its two fundraising events for ALADS C.A.R.E.S., the Annual ALADS Awards Banquet and ALADS’ Bob Hermann Charity Golf Tournament, causing funds to run extremely low and ALADS C.A.R.E.S. to have to limit donations.

To download a payroll deduction form, click here. You may also contact your Field Representative or the ALADS facility at (323) 213-4005 to request a payroll deduction form.

To make a one-time donation using PayPal or a credit card
click here

Checks for one-time donations should be sent to:

ALADS C.A.R.E.S. Foundation
2 Cupania Circle
Monterey Park, CA 91755

Remember to let your tax professional know you donated. We appreciate your generosity! The ALADS C.A.R.E.S. Foundation 501(c)(3) tax ID# is 45-3275658.