Voting Member
Deputy sheriffs and district attorney investigators (Members of Unit 611) working in Los Angeles County are eligible to become Voting Members. By becoming a Voting Member, not only are you providing yourself with excellent legal and other benefits, you are supporting all of your fellow deputy sheriffs and district attorney investigators.
Salary Contract Negotiations
ALADS negotiates the salary contract (Memorandum of Understanding) with the County of Los Angeles for all deputy sheriffs and district attorney investigators. As a Voting Member, you are eligible to participate in Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) ratification votes.
ALADS Board of Directors Election
As a Voting Member, you are eligible to vote for members of the ALADS Board of Directors. Voting Members elect candidates to the Board of Directors, after which the Board of Directors votes to fill its various offices, such as President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Board members currently serve two-year terms.
Legal Representation
Administrative Matters
Legal counsel will represent Voting Members who are either a subject or a witness in an Administrative investigation for acts or omissions which could subject them to disciplinary action. Representation shall extend to Skelly proceedings as well as appeals of discipline to the Civil Service Commission of Los Angeles County.
Coverage for representation after the issuance of a final Civil Service Commission decision is discretionary, with further coverage to be granted where the Administrator determines that further coverage is reasonable under the circumstances or determines that further coverage advances the collective interests of Voting Members.
Criminal Matters
A Voting Member who is charged with a criminal offense or is the subject of a grand jury proceeding with respect to on-duty acts or omission within the Course and Scope of Employment shall be provided legal representation. A Voting Member who is charged with criminal acts or omissions within the Course and Scope of Employment occurring while off-duty shall be provided legal representation.
Civil Actions
A member who is a defendant in a civil action brought against the member for acts or omissions arising out of the Course and Scope of his or her Employment shall be entitled to legal representation under the Plan.
If the public agency is providing the defense, ALADS attorneys will monitor the defense to ensure that the interests of the member are being protected.
Additional Legal Services
Personal Legal Consultation: The legal plan* provides a consultation to the Voting Member or their spouse with a panel attorney on a general legal matter, limited to one hour in length per 12-month period (as of the referral date).
Salary Loss Reimbursement Benefit: In lieu of administrative representation benefits, Voting Members whose claims involve suspension or other discipline resulting in salary loss may elect to receive reimbursement of up to five (5) days actual salary loss during.
*Refer to the Plan Document of the ALADS Legal Defense Fund or call ALADS for a full description of benefits and limitations of coverage.
Other Priviledges & Benefits
ALADS Anthem Blue Cross Health Insurance
The ALADS Insurance Trust administered Anthem Blue Cross Health Plans continue to be the best plans offered to law enforcement. Go to My Benefit Choices
ALADS Anthem Blue Cross health plans give plan members access to 10,000 gyms nationwide at no additional cost.
The ALADS Anthem Blue Cross Health Plans also provide the enhanced Body Scan benefit.
Body Scan is a revolutionary and innovative way to detect life-threatening or life-altering diseases such as cancers, cardiovascular disease, and spinal diseases at early stages and assess your health's current state. The non-invasive scan is an early disease detection program with a unique tracking capability and an in-depth physician consultation taking you on a 3-dimensional computerized journey through your own body from the neck to the pelvis.
A fully covered Body Scan with physician consultation is available every 24 months for members and spouses/domestic partners enrolled in an ALADS Anthem Blue Cross medical plan.
Police Officers’ Relief Fund (PORF)
$125,000 Life Insurance
In January 1990, as a part of negotiations for a new Salary MOU, ALADS and PPOA established the Peace Officers’ Relief Fund. PORF is a benefit that you receive at no cost to you and is funded by the County as a result of salary negotiations. For details, contact the ALADS Benefit Service Center at (800) 842-6635.
ALADS Annual Family Night
Each year, ALADS hosts a family event for all its members at amusement parks like Universal Studios. The event offers Voting Members the opportunity to join together with family and friends in a secure environment and enjoy one of California’s premier theme parks.
Discounted Admissions
ALADS Voting Members can enjoy discounted admissions to many of Southern California’s amusement parks by purchasing tickets through our website. We also offer AMC and Regal movie tickets at a discounted price at the ALADS facility.
ALADS Foundation for the Future Scholarship Program
Every year, ALADS holds a contest for up to eight children of Voting Members to receive $2,500 scholarships. To be eligible, the applicant must be a child or dependent of a Voting Member and must be a graduating high school senior or currently attending a college or university.
United States Police & Fire Championships Reimbursement
To promote physical fitness within its membership, ALADS partially reimburses Voting Members’ registration fees for the United States Police & Fire Championships.
ALADS Safe Rides Program
During the holidays, ALADS oftentimes provides Voting Members with reimbursement for an UBER or LYFT ride to and from a holiday gathering within a specific mile radius of their home. This program is to help ensure members get to and from the holiday gathering safely.
CPOMF Reimbursement
Every deputy sheriff and district attorney investigator should attend the annual California Police Officers’ Memorial Ceremony in Sacramento at least once in their career. To assist Voting Members in doing so, ALADS will partially reimburse hotel room expenses for a number of deputies and district attorney investigators who attend the ceremony.
Baker to Vegas Relay Race Sponsorship
Every year, ALADS sponsors up to 15 Baker to Vegas Relay Race Teams. Teams must reach a threshold percentage of Voting ALADS Members to be eligible for sponsorship.
Dues Reimbursement for Military Deployment Upon Return
Upon return, ALADS will reimburse membership dues for the months when a Voting Member is protecting our country through overseas active duty.
Annual Awards Banquet
Voting Members are eligible to receive two complimentary tickets to the premier law enforcement event of the year, the ALADS Annual Awards Banquet. Awards recipients are nominated by their fellow deputy sheriffs and district attorney investigators.
ALADS Dispatcher
Voting Members receive ALADS’ publication, the ALADS Dispatcher, mailed to their homes and is also available on the ALADS App. The publication includes important news and stories for all current and retired deputy sheriffs and district attorney investigators. Voting Members are eligible to place a free classified ad in the publication.
ALADS Leadership Assessments
Voting Members are eligible to participate in ALADS’ Annual Leadership Assessments. ALADS surveys its membership annually to see how well their captains are leading their units of assignment. The results are published in the ALADS Dispatcher for all to see.
ALADS Newsletter Email Blast
ALADS sends out timely email blasts to members to notify them of bargaining developments, ALADS Anthem Blue Cross Plan benefit changes, upcoming events, giveaways and other news.
Voting Members can download the ALADS App and receive notifications from ALADS and review important documents. Download the ALADS App for iPhone or Android today.
Retirement Plaque
It may seem like a long way off, but one day you will retire. When you do, ALADS will send you a retirement plaque commemorating your membership and service to the people of Los Angeles County.
Supplemental Insurance
As an ALADS Voting Member, you are eligible to receive top-rated supplemental insurance provided by AFLAC, Allstate, or Reliance Standard Life Insurance. Your membership entitles you to discounted group rates on the many different insurance products offered to ALADS members. A few of the products offered are:
- Catastrophic Illness and Accident Insurance
- Voluntary Group Term Life Insurance
- Long-Term Disability/Life Insurance
ALADS is active in Sacramento, acting on your behalf regarding legislation that affects you as a deputy sheriff or district attorney investigator. We are continually working to ensure that your hard-earned benefits are not eroded by adverse legislation.
Credit Unions
ALADS Voting Members are eligible to join several credit unions, including POPAFCU, LAPFCU and First City.
Pre-Paid Legal Services
Legal Shield is a network of attorneys that offer a wide range of legal services for a per month premium. With an ALADS membership, you benefit from ALADS’ partnership with the Legal Shield network. Legal Shield provides its pre-paid legal services to members at a special rate. A few of the services provided are:
- Legal Consultation and Advice
- Dedicated Provider Law Firm
- Court Representation
- Legal Document Preparation and Review
- Letters and Phone Calls Made on Your Behalf
- Will Preparation
- 24/7 Emergency Legal Access
Online Privacy
Voting Members are eligible to purchase Leo Web Protect at the ALADS member discounted rate to help keep their personal information off the internet.
Training Seminars & Information Classes
ALADS Voting Members can participate in all ALADS-sponsored training events. Additionally, ALADS has had informational classes on a variety of subjects. Some training classes have been:
- Retirement Seminars
- Handgun/Shotgun Shooting Enhancement
- Officer Safety Lectures
- Legal Updates
- Traffic Point Reduction Class
- Response to Terrorist Bombing
- Dive Guardians Scuba Training
Tickets to Events
When available, Voting Members are eligible to receive tickets to various events such as Chargers, Dodgers, and Ducks games.
Become a Voting ALADS Member
To receive a Voting Member membership application, click here. Print out the application, fill it out and mail it to: ALADS, 2 Cupania Circle, Monterey Park, CA 91755.
Alternatively, you can scan your filled out application and email it directly to us at:
If you have any questions, please contact our office at (323) 213-4005.
All privileges and benefits are subject to change.